I’m Durotoye…'Bosun Durotoye (James Bond feel). An Information Technologist/Web Solution Provider by day and a Gospel Rap Artist by “DAY & NIGHT”... A dancer turned rap star. Last of three kids…all musically inclined.
Why hip hop? What’s it about hip hop? Don’t you think hip hop is already an over-saturated genre? Why foray into that line?
Simple! “I can’t sing to save my life…laugh”. Aii, let’s say right from get go, hip hop was that singular genre that stood out for me…that free-to-express-yourself-to-the-fullest platform, I call it. A lot of people are rapping, but how many are really 'saying something (as in, making impact)?'. I’m not saying I’m here to change it all…but I’m here to ignite the spark that will cause the change.
You recently featured on two noteworthy remix/collaboration tracks. The first one was the Remix of Cobhams’ highly controversial hit joint “Maga No Need Pay”, and the other was the Club X remake of Young Money’s “Roger That”. What was the experience of being on those two tracks like?
Whoaaaaaaa!!!! The fun of my life! (laughs). Maga No Need Pay official remix was fun all through. The privilege to spin with other (incredibly on point) artists was “Christmas” for me. Then when Microsoft approved it as the “official" remix, I knew it had to be God!
ROGER THAT…now I would like to firstly thank the whole Club X management for counting me worthy enough to feature on that “Blazing-Amazing” song. To Dr Sankty: “we combusting without the flames”, To Rico Slim: “We definitely can make Obama rap” …ya’ll are incredible fellas that I’m so glad I got the privilege of working with.
Everytime people hear you on stage or on a track, they are quick to draw comparisons between you and Chocolate City's M.I. How do you handle that? Is that generally a plus for you, or do you sometimes wish you perhaps had a different vocal texture, or something? Give us some insights.
In truth, I initially prayed so hard for a different voice texture because then I was bothered bout what people would say...if they would accept me or not, till I realized that all I need is His acceptance. The fact that I’m not compared with a “wack” MC is a plus at least (laughs). Now the Big Question is: If I try to change the way I sound so as not to sound like a certain someone, aren’t I a joke then?
What do you [honestly] have playing in your music device right now? Or whose music have you been particularly digging in the past, say 1-2 weeks?
Da T.R.U.T.H.
What motivates TBos to do the kind of music he’s doing now? Especially as ‘gospel rap’ is not exactly the usual number one career option on the list of most mega talented rappers/lyricists?
I wasn’t always born again, yeah? But since I came to know Christ, my zone switched…my area of inspiration changed…to talk about God, my relationship with God, to worship etc. I now find “easy” to do. So why fool me and try function otherwise? You dig?

Mennnnnn!!!!! Aii, quickly, I was a cult boy (Eiye Confraternity) in university. Did a lot of crazy things that’ll probably be censored on this platform. I got pretty deep in cultism enough for the reward of dabbling with the devil to start surfacing in my life aside from the increasing number of dead friends. So right in my room in school one windy night, I called, I prayed, I was clear with what I wanted, “If You’re there, please save me”. He did. I renounced cultism, and thereafter, the bill to kill me was passed but hey, He said ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’ And He didn’t! I successfully graduated from the same school…still alive and kicking, thanks to Jesus.
Tell us how the concept for one of your wave-making tracks, “Miliki” came about.
My producer Mr. Jay just gave me a ring that we should both strive to come up with something fresh and unusual. So he gave me a couple of oldies to listen to and get inspired by. So I listened to Ebenezer Obey's "Rotate" song and wholla!!! 'Miliki' came up. Mr. Jay’s the best.
So, what projects are you up to at the moment? Video? Mixtape? Album? Promo tour? Tell us what to expect.
Currently working on a mixtape, coming up strong. We scheduled my video shoot for later this year.
Is there something wrong with Contemporary Naija Gospel Media, Music & Entertainment as it is now? If so, what exactly do you think is it? Any thoughts as to the way forward, solution-wise?
I feel gospel artists are trying but lack the support of our own people (the church I mean). So they end up becoming sellouts…playing to the tune of what will ‘sell', and not what He said.
Name one gospel video you are really digging at the moment.
'I No Send U' by Dr Sankty
Finally, any words/scripture/word of advice/encouragement to aspiring gospel rap acts out there?
“Faithful is He who has called you….for He will also do IT”
Please visit TBos on ReverbNation for downloads of his latest singles, updates, tour dates, freebies, and much more.
Connect with him here on Twitter and Facebook
1 comment:
This is good. very good. Didnt even know that godly emcees like this Tbos buy still exist! Am so very inspired by this piece...need to share it with someone asap!
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